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instagram promotion guidelines


Insta-promotion can be tricky, but it's not impossible! Here are some tips for getting more followers on Instagram:

Know your audience.

If you're going to invest in Instagram, it's important to know who your audience is and what they want.

  • Who is your target audience? What do they care about? Do they like pictures of food or selfies with friends? Are they more interested in stories about travel or fashion tips? Knowing this will help you create content that resonates with them.
  • Who are your competitors' customers? Where do they hang out online, and how can you reach them there too? If competitor A has a lot of followers on Instagram but not Facebook, then it might make sense for both brands (or just one) to advertise on Instagram rather than Facebook alone--and vice versa!

What are the trends on Instagram? Is there a particular type of content that resonates with your audience? How can you utilize this insight to create better content for them in the future?

Post regularly.

Posting regularly is an important part of growing your Instagram following. The more often you post, the more opportunities you'll have for likes, comments and shares--and these are all things that help grow your account's visibility on the platform.

Post at times when people are most likely to see it:

Post during peak hours (weekends). You can use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule posts in advance so they go out automatically at certain times during the weekdays or weekends when they're most likely to be seen by followers who are active on Instagram at those times.

The best time to post on Instagram is between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., according to the platform's own data. This is when people are most likely to be active on the platform, so make sure you're posting during these hours if you want your content to get seen by followers who are scrolling through their feeds during this time.

Engage with your followers.

  • Respond to comments and questions.
  • Like and comment on other people's posts.
  • Use hashtags to engage with people who are talking about similar things, or use them as a way to get your name out there and gain followers by using popular hashtags that have nothing to do with your content (but might attract some new eyes). Don't go overboard though--it's better for you if the hashtag is relevant than just using it because it's popular!
  • Don't use too many hashtags in one post; two or three would be plenty! Only use relevant ones, too; otherwise you risk alienating potential followers who may not understand why you chose those particular terms over another option like "awesome" or "beautiful". They're probably not going anywhere else anytime soon anyway since they've already clicked on this article :)

Create an email list or have a link in the sidebar that allows people to subscribe to your blog. This way, when you post something new, they'll get an email alert and be able to come back to check it out.

Create quality content.

  • Don't use stock photos: You don't want to be a part of the problem, and using generic stock images will make your account look like a bot.
  • Create quality content: Don't just post anything on Instagram--you have a limited amount of time in which to impress people with what your brand stands for and what makes it unique. The more time you put into creating unique pieces of content for each post, the better off everyone will be!

Take advantage of hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to get your brand out there, but don't just use them willy-nilly. Make sure that the hashtags you're using are relevant to your brand and what it stands for. If you're selling shoes, don't tag your post with "food"--it won't help anybody!

Use hashtags effectively.

Hashtags are a great way to increase your engagement and reach. They're also a good way to connect with like-minded people who might not otherwise be following you. You can use hashtags in your posts, comments, and even captions if they're relevant to the content at hand (more on that later).

If you want more followers on Instagram, make sure that every hashtag has its own purpose--and that it's relevant to what the post is about! Here are some things we recommend doing with hashtags:

Use popular hashtags in your niche or industry--these will help get eyes on your account faster because they're already being used by other users in similar niches as yours. For example: if you post about travel photography as an amateur photographer working out of New York City (like me), then using #nycphotographer would be a good idea since there are plenty of other photographers who have already adopted this tag across their accounts

You can also use hashtags that are relevant to your post itself. For instance, if you're posting about a new camera (like this one

Show off your physical location and interact with local businesses when applicable.

  • Interact with other Instagram users in the area. Use hashtags like #instagram, #photography, and/or #food to find events, restaurants and other businesses nearby. If you're traveling, try searching for hashtags related to your destination (such as "#newyork" or "#lasvegas"). You'll be surprised at how many people are sharing photos of their travels!
  • Use tools like Social King Pro or Iconosquare to analyze what's working and what isn't so that you can optimize for maximum results!

Be creative! If you're attending an event or taking pictures of food, don't just post the pictures with no context. Tell your followers why they should care about what they're seeing and why they should come visit (if applicable). Share interesting facts about a place or business, or even take a poll to see what your followers think of certain things!

Use the right tools to analyze what's working and what isn't so you can optimize for maximum results!

Analytics is a great way to see what's working and what isn't. By analyzing your data, you can optimize for maximum results!

  • Use hashtags to see what's not working: If someone searches for a hashtag that isn't relevant to your business or brand, you'll know not to use it in future posts.
  • Analyze the competition: Look at how other users are using certain hashtags and then try something similar or different from them (but don't copy their exact strategy). This will help boost engagement on your own account because people will be more likely to engage with content when they see familiar faces in their feed or discover new accounts worth following themselves.

Use hashtags that are specific to your industry: If you're a fashion brand, don't use a hashtag like #love or #beautiful. Instead, try using something like #fashionblogger or #styleinspo.

The best way to get more followers on Instagram is by posting great content, interacting with people in your community and knowing who you are talking to (aka demographics).

Make sure your content is relevant to your audience. Post regularly and at the right times. Engage with your followers by asking questions or offering them something of value in return for their attention, like a discount code or free shipping code on orders over $50! Use hashtags effectively so that others can find you and interact with you! Show off your physical location when applicable (like if you're at an event) - especially if there's local businesses nearby that could benefit from some exposure too :) Interact with other brands' accounts whenever possible; this helps build relationships between influencers which leads to greater collaboration opportunities down the road...and who knows? Maybe someone will feature YOUR brand next time ;) Use analytics tools such as Hootsuite/ Buffer etcetera so that YOU know what's working well for YOURSELF before spending money on ads blindly hoping for results!

Refer back to #2, but also consider creating a personal brand for yourself. Don't just talk about your business all the time - people want more than that! Make sure you're sharing content that's relevant to who you are as an individual. Post regularly and at the right times, but don't be afraid to take time off too :) Engage with your followers by asking questions or offering them something of value in return for their attention, like a discount code or free shipping code on orders over $50! Use hashtags effectively so that others can find you and interact with you! Show off your physical location when applicable (like if you're at an event) - especially if there's local businesses nearby that could benefit from some exposure too


In conclusion, the best way to get more followers on Instagram is by posting great content, interacting with people in your community and knowing who you are talking to (aka demographics).